For the past ten days I have been fishing the Madison river, through snow, stinging wing, while trudging across drifts and deserted roads. It might sound like a terrible experiance, but on the contrary I wouldn't have it any other way.
First thing, the Madison river may be the most popular river in the United States, so I don't have any quam's with telling you all about the fishing here. Most of the rocks I traverse already have plenty of stud scratch's. Second, in the last ten days I have seen a total of seven other anglers fishing, mind you I cover alot water with the way I fish. The blustery conditions keep everyone inside, but overall it dosen't put the fish off too much.
In my opinion, granted this is the first year I have fished the Madison, the river is fishing well. From Hebgen damn past three dollar bridge, the flows have been stable and water temperature warm enough to keep the water from slushing up. Pretty standard rule of thumb is the fish really don't start biting until 11:00 then quite at 16:00, but in those five hours its seems to be steady action. Some holes give up some times eight fish or more, most just one or two. What works for me is to cover upwards of a mile or more(sometimes two miles) of river working up-stream the whole time, slinging big bugs(brown and golden stones) until I come across a nice pool or slow moving pocket water then switch to #16 or #18 midge pupa/emerger in either red or black. Some half days the scores have been as low as nine, but if I get the chance for a full day the scores usually end up in the twenty's to some days as high as thirty-five fish to the net. This is in the middle of winter?
I can't say enough good things about this river. Its like a big picture of a small stream, you can fish it different ways and still catch fish. There is something funny that has happened to me on a couple of different occasions. When I do come across another fisherman we, of course, exchange information. Everyone, so far, has been very friendly, I think it has to do with lack of other fishers. Anyhow, I will tell them I am getting most of my fish on stones. They all have looked at me like I was lying or with surprise. Seems everyone fish's midges in the winter. Hmm. Anyway to each his own I suppose.
Its been a great experiance and I have three more fishing days to go. Still looking for Ms. Madison Brown.
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